
September 25, 2005

did will ferrell ever play this guy?

can’t you just see it?

September 22, 2005

just like tv

let’s say a guy and a girl were kissing good-bye at the door. it would be arrested development-funny if their conversation went like this:

girl: you make it hard to say good-bye
guy: you make it hard

ha ha! that’s funny, huh?

September 19, 2005

reason #54 why I love arrested development

michael and lindsay are at the bluth offices. lindsay is sitting on the copy machine.

lindsay: we did it mikey, we’re super rich again! (jumps off the copier) and I’m gonna buy a car, the volvo (hands michael a piece of paper).

michael: no, lindsay, you’re not going to start spending money and…
(looking at the piece of paper lindsay handed him)
…and this is not a vol-VO.

(lindsay grabs the paper back from him and looks at it)

lindsay: oh, that’s from sitting on the copier.

September 12, 2005

new rules (idea stolen from bill maher)

new rule #1
cashiers must hand customers loose change before bills, rather than pile coins on top of dollars. this is particularly important at drive-thru windows. if a cashier passes you coinage on top of the paper bills, you have my permission to demand that he lean out of the window to bend down and pick up your money and hand it to you rule #2
moviegoers who answer their cell phone during a film will be taken to the concession stand and dipped in hot butter flavoring or nacho cheese, or they can press their ear to the rolling thingee that cooks the hot dogs (their choice).

new rule #3
co-workers will not chit-chat in a foreign language in the restroom, particularly while each of them is in a stall on either side of me.

new rule #4
people will not leave anonymous comments on my blog. you don’t have to sign up for a user profile, just tell me your name. don’t be a chicken, tell me who you are, or I will delete your ass…ok, not your ass, but your comment.

August 16, 2005

jon stewart on the presidential vacation activities

“a two-hour bike ride, an evening Little League baseball playoff game…lunch with Condaleeza Rice, a nap, some fishing, and some reading. how did reading sneak in there?”

August 2, 2005

jon stewart on Lance Armstrong

“Lance Armstrong’s triumph over the cancer that nearly killed him inspired
millions, particularly after the publication of his best-selling It’s Not About
the Bike, whose sales far outpaced his bike’s book, F**k You, Lance Armstrong.”

(courtesy of Comedy Central)

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