
April 20, 2006

Stuff Portrait Fridays: Initial Impressions

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This week Kristine is giving us free rein. Almost. Our assignment is to take photos of things that start with the same letters as our initials.

I’d like to thank my parents for not naming me Zoe Quinn Xanadu.

C is for
c is for chardonnay
Chardonnay from Gundlach Bundschu. We picked up this bottle (and several others) last weekend in Sonoma.

A is for
a is for apple
Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. I love the name of the street.

L is for
l is for Luce
Luce (rhymes with dooce), Laces, or the L made by Tom Luce’s feet and legs.

Lemme know if you played. And while you’re at it, go tell Kristine too.

April 13, 2006

Stuff Portrait Friday: Easter Edition

This week’s assignment from Kristine had an Easter theme:

1. Your Peeps – introduce us to some of your friends outside of the blog world.
This was tough. I have a lot of friends, but I don’t see them often enough. And I almost never get them all together. But even with three days’ notice I managed to capture a few.

2. Something Fuzzy – *shaking head* you guys keep it clean.
I tried to find something moldy in the refrigerator, but I didn’t have anything. Lucky for you guys.

3. Something/Someone you want to dye/die – Yeah, shut up, you’ve thought of it!
I already dye my hair, so I couldn’t choose that. I’d love to dye the walls of my apartment, but how exciting is a photo of a white wall?

keep reading Stuff Portrait Friday: Easter Edition

April 6, 2006

Turn off auto

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I had a lot of fun doing this week’s SPF assignment from Kristine, because I got to try out some cool new stuff with my camera. Goodie gumdrops!

  1. Macro: take a picture of something ‘close up’. Don’t use your zoom, make sure you have good lighting and make sure you’re steady. If you have to, set your camera down on something and then take the picture.
  2. NO FLASH: try swiching the flash off and taking pictures of your stuff without it. It may take a lot of pictures to get the right shot, but open the windows and find artifical light to get it to work.
  3. Perspective: get up high or down low…either way, change the perspective of your picture..tilt the camera sideways. Change the layout of the picture. Instead of having the subject framed perfectly in the middle of the picture…move it to the left or the right.


Yeesh, look how dirty my car is. Blame it on the rain. Hey, that’s the name of a Milli Vanilli song. (Random useless information tidbit.)

No flash:
no flash

That is a twin-lens reflex camera. It’s not mine–as if I’d know how to use that thing. Gah! Oh, but I do know that not using a flash means you need to set the camera down on something. So I propped it up on a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy book. It’s how all the professionals do it.


That tiny white speck under the park sign? It’s the moon y’all. How cool is that? Cooler still is that today I could go outside and take pictures because the rain finally stopped. For a day.

Didja play?

March 31, 2006

Stuff Portrait Friday

I’ve been a reader of Kristine’s blog for awhile, and every week I tell myself I’ll post something for Stuff Portrait Fridays (SPF). I finally decided to stop procrastinating and just do it. Plus, I luh-huve my new camera and want to take pictures of everything I see, even the dirt collected by my Dyson vacuum cleaner. Be grateful I’m posting SPF, or you would have had to look at dust and cat hair.

This week’s assignment was to take photos of my washer and dryer, my robe, and a flower.

My washer and dryer. I never use these because we had a run of laundry burglars not too long ago. Besides, I hate when I come into the laundry room and someone has touched my chonies and put them on the counter so they can use the washer.

laundry room

My Robe. It’s white, and might look like nothing special, but it is so amazingly soft and snuggly, I had to get it. It’s from Bath & Body Works and I bought it while I was supposed to be Christmas shopping.


A flower. This is a window I bought at a little antique store when I first moved into my apartment 4 years ago. I don’t mind if it’s not authentic. I just love it.

fleur de lys

Do you wanna play? Go here to find out the scoop. And if you did play, leave a comment letting me know, and tell Kristine too.

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