
January 15, 2010

Guess what this flower is made from

(Mary Beth and Matte are not allowed to guess)

January 12, 2010

Diptych from WI and CA

I must admit I stole this idea. But I told Finn I was stealing it. You know what they say about imitation being the highest form of flattery. If you haven’t seen Finn’s photos, go take a look – I’ll wait. See? She’s the shizz. (Are the kids still saying that?) When I saw the new diptych project she embarked upon with Ren, well, I knew just who to ask to join me – my sister-in-law Saj. She and I are both doing Project 365 this year and plan to will be taking one photo a day for the ENTIRE YEAR. I figured we can use all the direction and motivation we can get so I suggested to Saj we do the colors of the rainbow like Finn and Ren are.

Do you know how many red things there are in the world? Lots. I was just about to grab my cute little tomatoes off the counter when I spotted something red in a cabinet.

Here is the first diptych in a series of 52 (crosses fingers). Come back every Tuesday for more sparks of creativity.

Saj’s (great minds think alike):
11/365 Tomatoes

Day 11/365 - Red

Next week: orange.

January 11, 2010

He loves Battlestar Galactica

OH MAH GODS! BSG season three came in the mail today!
OH MAH GODS! BSG Season 3 came in the mail today!

Somebody call Chief Tyrol. I can’t work this thing.

Somebody call Chief Tyrol. I can't work this thing.

FRAK! No opposable thumbs!
No opposable thumbs! FRAK!

January 5, 2010

I’ve made it FIVE whole days already!

Yay, me! Seriously though, this Project 365 has rekindled my love for photography, much like the way the 7 Days group does. Yeah, I know it’s only been five days and I might bet bored by day, oh…8, but for now I am enjoying it. Today I shot something I use every single day, but never though to take a photo of it. This project is already making me look at things differently.

This is the mug I use at work every day. Isn’t it cute? It’s one of the first gifts I ever got from Matte. Inside the mug is jasmine green tea – my absolute favorite. Good Earth makes the best, in my opinion. Sorry, Joe the Trader, this time you don’t win.

5/365 - Jasmine green tea

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Day 1/365 - Black-eyed peas
My sister-in-law decided to try Project 365 on Flickr this year, and being the follower that I am, I’m giving it a shot as well. I tried it once before and made it maybe three months before I gave up. Hopefully doing it with her will keep me motivated. And hey, it might even get me to blog more! Get ready for lots of cat photos. (You have been warned.)

November 18, 2009


You depress me

November 16, 2009

City by the Bay

Don't call it San Fran

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