
October 31, 2006

And speaking of Duran Duran…


My sister wants me to go with her to New Wave City on Saturday for her birthday. She tells me that at midnight they’ll probably do a block of Duran Duran songs, maybe lasting a whole hour! I hope I can stay awake that late. Now where’d I put that fedora?

Happy Halloween!

I heart the 80s

That’s a costume I wore to work a few years ago. This year, I’m not wearing anything. Er…I mean, I don’t have a costume. Anyway, you may notice from the photo that I go a little overboard with themes. Those posters? Dug them out of my sister’s keepsakes as mine had been thrown out years ago. My entire cube was filled with posters of Simon, Nick, John, Roger, and Andy. That’s Duran Duran for you non Durannies. And that weird electronic item with the rectangular box next to it? That’s called a record player, kids. In my day, we put large, flat, round things called records (or LPs) on it and a needle glided through the grooves in the vinyl to make high quality sounds. It was awesome.

Speaking of totally tubular music, please give me some music recommendations in the comments. My iPod has been boring me of late, and I’m dangerously close to digging out my Scritti Politti 12-inch singles.

April 24, 2006

I’ve got the music in me

Look what was in my mailbox today:

lala cds

Four CDs from lala. Woohoo!! This pile of tunes includes:
Lyle Lovett, Joshua Judges Ruth
Toad the Wet Sproket, Fear
Ben Folds Five, Whatever and Ever Amen
The Minus Five, Down with Wilco

In only 6 weeks, I’ve received 15 CDs, and sent out 12. I’ve discovered some cool new artists and reunited with some old favorites. If this keeps up, I’m gonna need a bigger iPod.

I still have some invites left if you want to come play at lala with me. It’s fun!

April 23, 2006

I love (B)rock ‘n roll

This is Dylan Brock. He plays kicks ass on guitar for Luce. Not only does he sound awesome on stage, he is highly entertaining to watch and an all-around nice guy.

In this photo, we see him doing the “pogo stick.”

April 14, 2006

Assistance, please

Good Lord. I cannot get Bad Day by Daniel Powter out of my head.

Please leave a comment with a lyric, or the name of a song or something anything to help me overcome this obnoxiosity. (I think I just made up a new word.)

April 8, 2006

Extending an invitation

lalaHave you heard of la la? No? Well, lemme tell ya. It’s pretty darn cool. It’s like an online swap meet.

Got a CD you don’t want? Someone else is dying for it. And someone out there owns that out-of-print CD you’ve been looking for forever.

What la la does, is brings people together. To trade music.

Just list the CDs you want to give away and those that you want. When la la lets you know someone wants one of your CDs, you ship it. Or sometimes you don’t. You can decide, “Wait, I kinda still want that,” and tell la la you’ve changed your mind. No problem.

This is perfect for those of you, like me, who store their CDs in a CaseLogic binder, and long ago recycled the jewel cases and/or liner notes. All you ship in the la la-provided CD case is the CD itself. If you have the liner notes and want to send them too, that’s super cool of you, but not necessary.

la la even provides mailing envelopes, with pre-paid postage. How much easier can this get?

The cost? Only $1.49 per trade.

I’ve received one CD and three more are on the way. And I’ve shipped three of my own. This is a great way to try out a new artist because you don’t waste $15 on a CD that you end up not liking, and you can just send it on to someone else who might.

By the way, this is not stealing. The peeps at la la request you practice good karma and remove the CD’s files from your iPod (or other mp3 player) as well as your computer before sending it off to its new home. And a portion of la la’s proceeds even benefit the artists. So, really, everybody wins!

For now, new users can sign up by invitation only and I have 4 invites to give away. Want one? Leave a comment and ask. Be sure to say please. Bribes and baked goods are accepted. Also, please only request an invitation after checking out la la for yourself. As I don’t have many invites, I want to make sure they go to those who are truly interested in this cool way to get new music.

iPod is the new Magic 8 Ball

(Grabbed from the Best Week Ever Blog.)

Shuffle all the songs in your iPod, then use the resulting songs to answer the following questions, in the order in which they appeared.

How does the world see you?
Moon Over Bourbon Street, Sting

Will I have a happy life?
Last Dance, Sarah McClachlan

What do my friends really think of me?
If You Love Me Let Me Know, Olivia Newton-John

Do people secretly lust after me?
Crash and Burn, Sheryl Crow

How can I make myself happy?
Like the Way I Do, Melissa Etheridge

What should I do with my life?
November, Azure Ray

Will I ever have children?
It’s all in the Point of View, Andre Garner

What is some good advice for me?
Chapter 1, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

How will I be remembered?
Only a Memory, Smithereens

What is my signature dancing song?
The Bed’s Too Big Without You, The Police

What do I think my current theme song is?
Radio Free Europe, R.E.M.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
The Animals and Me, The Wonderstuff

What song will play at my funeral?
The Same Love that Made Me Laugh, Queen Latifah

What type of women men do you like?
Photograph, Jamie Cullum

What is my day going to be like?
A Case of You, Tori Amos

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