
November 22, 2006

Shopping spree at the Dollar Tree

Which of the following is the correct definition of muffin top?

  1. The phenomenon caused by the bit of pudge that oozes out the top of one’s jeans (AKA Dunlop’s disease: “My belly done lops over my britches!”)
  2. The only item on the menu at Elaine Benes’ bakery, Top o’the Muffin to You!
  3. A cereal found exclusively at the Dollar Tree
  4. All of the above.

Until tonight, I was only familiar with the fashion don’t and the Seinfeld reference. But now I’ve discovered these calcium-rich muffin tops! So much better than the belly kind.
Muffin Tops

By the way, they also sell these at the Dollar Tree. But, ladies, please get a second opinion, OK?
At the dollar store

Also, be sure you take a close look at the bakery items at the Dollar Tree, to ensure freshness. Look at the large version of this photo to see just what makes this bread “extra sourdough.”

The Dollar Tree is a great place to pick up gifts for Thanksgiving. Thank your host or hostess with a nice can of sardines (2 for $1), or bring an appetizer of Fiddle-Faddle (just $1). And be prepared for the weather with some raingear. A 5-pack of rain bonnets is just a buck and it includes a fabulous carrying case! I’m giving the pack to my mom. Nothing’s too good for you, Ma!

Matte found some inspiration for an artsy shot. Scrumptious, I’m sure!

4 people have roominated about “Shopping spree at the Dollar Tree”

  • Alison says:

    I LOVE going into the dollar store. Next time I ought to take my camera.

  • Allan says:

    I have seen the Muffin Tops cereal, and the pregnancy tests at the local dollar store.

    There is no end to the weirdness at the dollar store.

  • Jenni says:

    That is too funny! And a bit disturbing. Matte’s photo is classic. I may have to post a link to that one on my blog.

  • Kristin says:

    We have “Dollarama” here, where everything, and I mean everything is a dollar. It’s a dream for teachers, but you gotta think that somewhere, somehow there’s a sweatshop for all this stuff. I mean, there’s a little of everything here…disturbing…in that…gooood way…

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