So I says to him, “OK Ernie,” I says, “you go play 9 holes with Ralph, but don’t you come cryin’ to me when your sciatica acts up.†So he goes and plays. And guess where he is now? Flat on his back with his feet propped up by a pillow, watchin’ Judge Judy. I tell you Agnes, they never listen!
March 15, 2010
March 9, 2010
Overheard at Bridge Club
March 8, 2010
Diptych #9 – Shapes
I almost wrote a regular non-diptych blog post this weekend. But I changed my mind. I think my blogging mojo has flown south for the winter, or transferred to my photo mojo. Someday soon I will write a blog post though, but right now my life is consumed by house-training a puppy, and do you really want to hear those details? Yeah. Didn’t think so.
Anyway, I digress. This week, Saj chose the word shapes for us. Here’s what she came up with, with a little help from my nephew Caden:
And here’s mine. Guess who these belong to?
Come back next week to see what word I choose for us. Who knows? Before next week’s installment, I might have a regular old post here. But don’t hold your breath.
March 1, 2010
Diptych #8 – Adorable
Because we’re done with the rainbow, Saj and I had to think of a new subject for our weekly diptych. Now we’ll be photographing our own interpretation of words. This week I chose the word adorable because when I went to my phone to text Saj about the new diptych theme, I noticed in our text conversation on my iPhone that the last word she texted me was adorable (in reference to a photo I sent her of Penny).
As you can see, she and I are on the same wavelength again – Matte’s birthday.
Matte and I got some cool new lighting equipment so Matte consulted Strobist to find out how I could best set up this shot of someone I find most adorable:
Next week it’s Saj’s turn to pick the word. Stay tuned!