
February 7, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 13 of 365

1. Lunch with a friend, and about 30 minutes before meeting her at the restaurant, I told Matte, “I’ll bet she wants to meet us for lunch to tell us she’s moving to LA.” Guess what. She’s moving to LA. Sad as I am to see her go (very), she’s following her dream, so I’m happy for her.
2. Matte and I both have new tires on our cars, so now my mom will stop asking both of us, “Have you gotten new tires yet?”
3. Three backlogged episodes of Grey’s Anatomy on TiVo. I can finally stop being annoyed with the Denny/Izzy storyline.
4. Learning how to type French characters on my Mac
5. Whole Foods 365 Organic Buttermilk Pancake Mix. With blueberries, it’s simply decadent.

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