But not for health reasons. See for yourself:
Well that is just hysterical.
I just said tonight that I need a treadmill for my cats. They are so playful at 10 pm…and at 2 am….and at 4 am….but not at 12 pm. Nope.
Damn. That. Is. Funny!
Silly me has been using the treadmill at work as of late. Obviously I need a treadmill at homes. Then maybe I’d stop watching so much reality TV.
My husband did that same little trick just last week!
That is awesome!
Tomorrow morning I’m going to buy a treadmill. And some cats.
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Well that is just hysterical.
I just said tonight that I need a treadmill for my cats. They are so playful at 10 pm…and at 2 am….and at 4 am….but not at 12 pm. Nope.
Damn. That. Is. Funny!
Silly me has been using the treadmill at work as of late. Obviously I need a treadmill at homes. Then maybe I’d stop watching so much reality TV.
My husband did that same little trick just last week!
That is awesome!
Tomorrow morning I’m going to buy a treadmill.
And some cats.