
November 30, 2007

Happy Last Day of NaNoBloMo

I have completed an entire month of blogging every day. I should feel a sense of accomplishment. But instead, I feel tired. Relieved, but tired. It’s been hard to come up with posts for 30 days in a row. I am not one to finish what I start. I have umpteen knitting projects sitting in a laundry basket. I don’t know who I think is going to finish them, but it ain’t gonna be me. I have three books halfway read on my nightstand. I get gung-ho about things and then my excitement wanes and I lose interest. Shoot, I can’t even listen to an entire song on my iPod without skipping to the next one. I still have thank you cards to write for wedding gifts. It’s only because people have donated money to a good cause that I will complete a half marathon in February. I have hours and hours of shows backed up on my TiVo that I used to love watching, but now, I find other things to do. One thing I never have trouble finishing is food. Yet I cannot muster the perseverance to finish a diet or healthy eating plan.

So, it’s sort of a miracle that I completed this year’s NaBloPoMo. Yes, a miracle. And the baby Jesus is smiling because…

Aw crap, I don’t remember what I was talking about. I can’t even complete this post…see what I mean?

November 29, 2007

Things I’m doing in December

  • Going to see trannies play Blanche, Rose, Sophia, and whatever the chick who used to play Maude was named on the Golden Girls (I’m too tired to look it up, but it might be Ruth)
  • Going on a wine tasting bus tour
  • Running a race in Wisconsin. (Yes, Wisconsin, where it will be like minus 20 or something, but we get free beer and champagne at the finish line.)
  • Playing Wii for probably 500 hours or so
  • Not working for 2 weeks, halleluja!
  • Getting a haircut which includes the patented, ecstacy-inducing head massage at the shampoo bowl
  • Running 10 miles along the Pacific Ocean
  • Obsessively checking to see where the hell my packages are dammit
  • Eating my weight in Swedish coffee cake and cinnamon muffins
  • Not blogging every single damn day

November 28, 2007

Das Bloat – Portrait of Catheroo

I'm gassy and I feel as big as an elephant
I fart in your general direction…in everyone’s general direction.

November 27, 2007

I mean, I’m going to run 13.1 miles anyway…

…would it be THAT much harder to do twice that? Really?

It seems I have some very generous donors and I have surpassed my $1,800 minimum fund raising goal in less than two weeks. You know who you are, and I thank you from the bottom of my bottom (which is so much larger than my heart). Honestly, every dollar you donated proves to me that you have faith that I can complete the half marathon. I am ever grateful for that support. And your motivating comments will help me push through the miles. And thank you for joining in my endeavor to tell cancer to SUCK IT.

So since I’m almost to the minimum fund raising goal required to participate in a different, bigger, crazier event, I might do it. Sure, it’s a full marathon, but why not go all the way? Oh, and did I mention the name of this marathon? The Napa Valley Marathon. I like running. I like wine. It’s the perfect combination, yes? Well, except for the whole 26.2 miles thing. My ultra-supportive and fabulous mentors think I should go for it. I’m not yet convinced. I still cannot fathom running THIRTEEN MILES in one day, let alone double that. Running a half would be symbolic of kicking cancer in the ass. But going 26.2 would flip cancer the bird. With both hands. That is tempting.

November 26, 2007

Apostrophes are keeping me up at night

So, Carl’s Jr.

I don’t get it. The way it’s written, Carl owns the Jr. So, is the Jr. the restaurant? Like, did Carl once own a chain of large restaurants, and the fast food grease joint is a smaller version? A Jr. version, if you will?

Is the restaurant the Jr. or is Carl the Jr.? If it’s Carl, shouldn’t it be Carl Jr.’s?

I can’t sleep until I solve this mystery.

Anyone? Anyone?

November 25, 2007


When I joined Team in Training I knew I was committing myself to hours and miles of running, and fund raising thousands of dollars. I figured I’d have no problem raising the money, but what I didn’t bank on was how much money it would cost me to be appropriately attired and accessorized for my new hobby.

Here’s what I have purchased so far:
Dri-fit tops (two long-sleeved, two short) – $70
Warm-up jacket – $20 at TJ Maxx
Running socks – $10 for 3 pairs
New running shoes – $110
Garmin GPS training watch – $179 rather than $375 (thank god for Costco)
Fuel belt – $45
Gloves – $4
Ear warmers – $10
Dri-fit running underwear. (Yes, I bought running underwear) – $16 for one pair
Sports bra – $33
Jelly Belly Sports Beans – $1 each bag

I never thought I’d be running with jelly beans in my pocket, but they really do give me a boost of energy when I start lagging. Plus, they’re CANDY!

keep reading Commitment

November 24, 2007

Is it December 1 yet? Sheesh!

NaBloPoMo bites. If I were not forced to post every day, I might post something insightful. As it is, I am putting up this post just to meet my deadline.

I now give you my latest TV obsessions:

Dexter. Are you not watching this show? What is WRONG with you? I never was attracted to the sweet and gay David Fisher on Six Feet Under (Nate is another story). But when Michael C. Hall plays a serial killer? Damn HOT. For serious. (This does worry me a bit. That I find a killer sexy.)

The Biggest Loser. I’ve said it before and yada yada, but really. These people inspire me. I watch them work their assess off (literally) and it makes me think I can and will complete a half marathon in a few short months.

Grey’s Anatomy. If they could just DO SOMETHING with Meredith. She bugs. And I don’t want Izzy and George sleeping together. But other than that, I love the characters, the story lines, the soundtrack. When they run out of episodes, I will be sad.

How I Met Your Mother. I love this show. The humor is intelligent, and gets away with many dirty jokes. And I love that. I hope they never tell us who Your Mother is, because I love the search.

Project Runway. OMG. Designing something for SJP’s Bitten line? Could they BE more excited? I don’t have a strong favorite, but Spit-marking Elisa bugs. I’m sure she’ll go far in the competition and they are just editing her to be a freak. It makes for better TV. I envy Monique L’huillier’s haircolor. Also? I love Tim Gunn with the heat of a thousand suns. (OK, not like that, but I want him to fix me and the crap in my closet.)

Saturday Night Live. Which is no longer airing on Saturdays, nor is it live these days. The writer’s strike has put the kaibosh on it. If you gave up on this show long ago, go back to it, when/if it returns. They have some excellent writers (now on strike) and never fail to make me laugh. Amy Pohler is my hero and Kristin Wiig kills me with her one-upper character and one of the Two A-Holes.

Damages. I know it’s over for the season but, DUDE. This show is like a feature film every week. The suspense is insane. The way they separate flashbacks from present day is ingenious and gritty and oh so good. Catch it in reruns, or rent DVDs so you’ll be ready for next season. It’s raw and nail-biting and just plain awesome. Glenn Close plays a raging bitch. (What else is new?)

Now I need to go eat some pizza and drink some beer because it’s Saturday.

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