
July 28, 2007

Like a fine wine

My driver’s license photo improves with (my) age.
Before (photo taken in 1994 and recycled in 2003):

Bad hair, excessively round face, and rounded back and shoulders. I look a bit like a turtle. But, at least this guy would like me.

After (changing to my new name requires changing my photo too):

Better, yes?

9 people have roominated about “Like a fine wine”

  • (e) says:

    Hoo baby. YES!!!!

  • Sarah says:

    A very fine wine indeed.

  • Jenni says:

    MUCH better! That first picture looks nothing like the Cathy I know. The second picture is downright sassy! Meow. 🙂

  • Em says:

    wow, quite a change! Very nice photo! And I had to smile cause only a woman would blur out the weight category cause that certainly isn’t a matter of confidentiality! 🙂

  • Alison says:

    Shaaaaa! Hells yes!

  • BreadBox says:

    And where do you get a driver’s license photo taken so that it turns out so well, I ask? Lovely photos! Both of them!

    Thanks for visiting earlier today!

  • Michele says:

    Much, much better. Oh, I imagined you were lovely, and you are. Good for me! (wink)

    The picture on my current drivers license turned out so well, (shocking I know), that I want to seek out the young man who took it and ask him to marry me. What? Is that somehow wrong of me?

  • Green says:

    Yes! My first driver’s license pic was taken in NY, and honestly, aside from my nursery school picture, it was the very best picture of me EVER. So much so that when i moved to FL, i asked the DMV there to let me keep the picture. They refused, and it’s been horrible DMV pictures for me ever since.

    I gotta get married pronto,apparently, to change my bad DMV pics.

  • wilddreemer says:

    hilarious that you blur out the weight too..that is pure genius

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