
July 21, 2007

Could you keep it down? I’m trying to read.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Yes, I joined the throngs of fans and went to a midnight release. Rachel, Matte and I decided to do this at around 9:30 tonight. We went to Books, Inc. in Mountain View because I heard they were selling books to those who had not preordered. We arrived and waited in the line of people who spontaneously decided to get our copies tonight. The pre-paid people received their numbered tickets, and we heard them hand out tickets beyond number 200. We thought we’d be sitting outside for hours, waiting for the numbered folks to get their books before we got ours. But just our luck, when 12:01 struck, they let the last-minute sallys in to pay for their books, and GAVE us our books.

We were out of the store by 12:10. While the planners and pre-payers waited for their number to be called. Sweet! And 20% of the FULL priced-book went to Mountain View schools. Bonus!

********UPDATE 11:00 pm********

I finished the book. All 759 pages of it. I won’t mention anything here, just that I refused to put it down (except for the 5 hour stint helping a friend move today.). Who moves on the day the final Harry Potter book comes out anyway?

10 people have roominated about “Could you keep it down? I’m trying to read.”

  • Meredith says:

    I just spent 3 hours sitting on a bench on University Ave in Palo Alto watching all the freaks go by with capes and wands….then some storm troopers for good measure. Gotta love the dedicated.

    The kid sitting next to us said there were 750 people ahead of him. Crazy

    I passed it all up and ordered from Amazon.

  • I’m waiting for the 10:00 am doorbell ring indicating that Harry has arrived via UPS. Much too lazy for the midnight hanging-out thing.

  • Jenni says:

    You PUNK! Couldn’t wait to get your copy from Amazon this morning, could you? 😉

    Mine still hasn’t arrived, BTW. It’s 9:55 am, and it’s still not in my hot little hands! Maybe I should have joined you last night…. Friggin’ UPS!

  • wi says:

    got mine this morning at b and n. didn’t get to start until noon! sarah and bill had me with them shopping!!
    article in our paper estimated average reader will take 16 hrs. to get through it.

  • i’m started book one : )

    Happy Reading!

  • Janet says:

    What did you think? I finished it Sunday morning at 930, saved the last 120 pages for last 🙂

  • Bev says:

    I got mine from Amazon too and read it in a day and a half. I was impressed with J.K. Rowling, at how she tied things together from throughout the series. They say she “saw” the whole saga on a 4 hour train ride one day. Amazing. I don’t think anybody is going to be disappointed in this book.

  • roni says:

    Meanwhile, out here in Sydney Australia, my local bookshop has already started reducing the price !

  • Anna says:

    I cannot believe you got your book before the people who pre-ordered! No pre-ordering or going out at midnight for us. We simply stopped at Walmart early next morning (about 7:30) and picked up a copy. My son finished it by about 4-4:30,and then it was my turn. Of course, I had to wait until we got home because I can’t read in the car.

    Oh, I can’t forget to tell you that Michelle sent me!

  • Denise says:

    Nine hours (over 2 days). I sobbed aloud many times (especialy from page 700 on). I found it a fitting conclusion, did you?

roominate back to Denise