
June 18, 2007


Our wedding was near perfection. The weather was sunny and not too warm. While getting ready, everything (for me) went swimmingly. The hair appointments ended early, which was great, since my florist delivered my flowers early, and my make-up artist was early. The photographers? Early. I had no stress at all.

Except for one thing. The thing I didn’t want to think about. When we were first planning our Big Day, this was far from my thoughts, like galaxies away.

But a couple of weeks before the wedding, I learned that this uninvited guest, who I detest, would be at my wedding. This asshole has destroyed the lives of people I love, and the bastard had NO PLACE at my wedding, or anywhere near anyone I love. Not on that day, or any other day. Just leave people the hell alone.

But cancer doesn’t care that it’s not invited. And it doesn’t discriminate in choosing where it infests. This time, it is in my father’s colon. Never mind that my father already had prostate cancer, and beat it. (Take that, @#$%er!) Cancer couldn’t care less if and when it returns. It’s evil, hateful, and persistent and I wish it would stay the f@#$ away from my family and friends.

Before he knew what was making him feel so sick, my dad told doctors that no matter what it turned out to be, he didn’t want to do anything surgical until after May 25. He would walk me down the aisle. He has looked forward to that fatherly duty for years, and nothing was going to get in the way of that, despite my telling him he should do whatever he needed to medically, no matter when he needed to do it.

He was tired on my wedding day, and sat to rest quite a bit throughout the festivities. But you couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. He gave a toast that made me cry and made me laugh. He danced with me to Neil Diamond singing When You Wish Upon a Star, and smiled. My friend June took about 30 pictures of him that day, just to capture his emotions. Those are some of my favorite shots. I gave him a frame with these two, for Father’s Day.

Father/Daughter DanceFather/Daughter Dance

Tomorrow he goes in for surgery, to remove the cancerous tumor from his colon. A tumor that has NO PLACE being anywhere near my father. His recovery will be long and difficult, and he may have to endure chemotherapy. I will not tell him what he should or should not do regarding treatment. Whatever he chooses, it is his decision. But personally, I would like him to kick cancer’s ass so hard, it will never come near him again.

He could use your prayers, good vibes, positive thoughts, and/or whatever special wishes you can offer. I am hoping for a surgery that is as uneventful as possible. And I can’t wait to see his smile again.

10 people have roominated about “Uninvited”

  • I had no idea this was happening. Your blog totally made me cry. I wish you and your dad good thoughts on this difficult journey. Jenni went through the same thing with her dad and I know a little of what you must be going through. Take care of yourself so you can be there for him.

  • mere says:

    That made me cry, too! Sending happy thoughts!!

  • Jenni says:

    Oh Cathy, I’m so sorry! I’m going to e-mail you about this privately.

    But, I will say here that your dad is the cutest dad ever, and I wish him an uneventful surgery and as easy a recovery period as possible.

    This just sucks.

  • Saj says:

    With tears in my eyes, you know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad. I love the pictures of him! You really couldn’t erase the smile from his face the entire day!

  • Denise says:

    So unfair!

    Saying a prayer for your dad, your family, and you.

  • Sarah says:

    Many good thoughts coming from me too for a speedy and full recovery. Those pictures are beautiful.

  • Neil says:

    A speedy recovery for your father. I’m sure those two photos you gave him for Father’s Day have already given him extra energy.

  • Dele says:

    I am a friend of Suzie. My brother was diagnosed with lymphoma last week and today is his first day of chemo. Since he’s already Stage 4, there’s no waiting on this. Your words hit home for me as I want my brother to kick the shizznit out of his cancer, too. Your papa has an awesome support group, clearly, and I’m surmising he has a positive attitude to boot, so keep up the good work. As a family, you are each others’ rocks.
    Sending love and many, many good thoughts~~~

  • I will pray for your dad, that he come out strong after whatever treatment he chooses.

  • Alison says:

    Oh, Cathy. Your dad and you have my thoughts and best vibes.

roominate back to Sandi (Jenni's mom)