
May 22, 2007

Sweet Jasper

I had my little man put to sleep today. His kidneys were failing and he had become extremely weak and thin. It was a heart-wrenching decision, but I had to do what was best for him. I had him for 13 of his 15 years. He came with me from Lexington, Kentucky, under the seat in front of me on the plane. He was my first pet, that was all mine (if it is ever possible to “own” a cat).

Jasper was such a sweet, affectionate kitty, and he tried to remain so even while he was sick. He was always trying to please me up until the end. I knew he was not well when he stopped greeting me at the front door, or sitting with me in the bathroom while I got ready for work.

This is supposed to be the best time of my life, with my wedding in just a couple of days, but today I am just too sad. I will miss him terribly. I am taking comfort in knowing that he is no longer hurting, but this was the hardest decision I have ever had to make.

Rest in peace, my little bubs.

May 15, 2007

Who the heck is that?

And why does her car have my name on it?

May 11, 2007


Is this normal?

I walked into the restroom today at work and there was a woman at the sink washing her hands. I figured she was done with her Ladies Room ritual.

But, as I made my way into a stall and latched the door, I heard her do the same. I thought “weird that she washes before using the toilet, but whatever.”

We both went about our business. When she was finished, she exited her stall. Then she exited the restroom.

She washed her hands before going to the bathroom, but not after?

What is that about?

May 6, 2007


Matte and I had an appointment with our wedding coordinator today, and she is located near the place where Jenni‘s brother got married, so we got to say hello to her and her family. Everyone looked beautiful, and the kids were so adorable in their wedding attire. Seeing Jenni reminded me I hadn’t done my seven things yet, and she tagged me for it a while back. See? I told you in my last post that my bad habit is procrastination. I’m no liar!

Here’s the deal: each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about their seven things and post the rules as well. At the end of your post, choose 7 people to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! OK, here goes…

1. I am strangely attracted actors with receding hairlines, or no hairline to speak of: Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Piven, Ed Harris, and even James Gandolfini a little bit.
2. I lived in Kentucky for 2 and half years and never made it to the Kentucky Derby. I did, however, host Derby parties…in California.
3. I’m getting married in 19 days.
4. I don’t wear shorts. Even when I was in Vegas and it was 100+ degrees, I did not wear shorts.
5. I actually like working out. I like working out at 5:30 am every weekday.
6. I hate hate HATE passive aggressiveness and grudge holders.
7. I want to try skydiving.

I am hereby tagging YOU. If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged. 🙂

May 3, 2007

The art of RSVP’ing

When Matte and I designed our wedding invitations (yes, we went the DIY route), we were quite specific with the RSVP cards. Our venue is small intimate, so our wedding and reception are adults-only. (I realize that sounds dirty, but it’s not XXX adults-only, just no offspring under the age of 18 are invited, aside from the 2 adorable nephews/ring-bearers.) To avoid confusion as to how many members of each family are invited, we used the phrase ____ of _____ guest(s) will attend. Thus, a couple with two children would receive an RSVP card to send back to us that stated that they (Mr. and Mrs.) were invited (example: ____ of 2 guest(s) will attend.) Simple, yes? Well, it seems to have worked because we didn’t receive any response cards stating that 8 of 2 guest(s) will attend. It might sound mean to do it this way, but when you have limited space, you sometimes have to do these things. Although, children’s meals are much cheaper than those of full-grown people, so maybe we should have invited just the kids.

In a very glass-is-half-full manner, we used the phrase will attend, keeping the response is positive. Seeing 0 of 2 guests will attend is so much more pleasant than seeing so-and-so will not attend. (We did receive some replies with the number of attending guests left blank and the word not inserted between will and attend. That made me feel a little sad. And rejected. So I ate a big bag of chocolate chips. And if I can’t fit into my dress, I blame those carat-inserting, RSVP-editing invitees.

To help us when we make our DIY place cards, we included Please indicate guest name(s) next to entree selection. Apparently many of our guests have the same name: 1. And even weirder, there are couples who both are named 1. I know! Freaky, right? Now, in instances where I know the couple, I can guess “hmm…I think Mr. S is the 1 who wants the pork and Mrs. S probably wants the chicken.” And if I get their place cards wrong, they can swap plates when their food is served, and hopefully not yell at the servers for bringing the the opposite of what they chose. But when I do not know the name of a guest, such as Mr. K.’s girlfriend (who I really don’t believe is named 1) I will call him to find out, rather than have her place card read “Mr. K’s woman who wants the chicken…or maybe she’d prefer the pork. All I know is she doesn’t want the vegetarian.”

We have received nearly all of our RSVPs back. Several arrived in the first few days after we sent the invitations. It was fun getting so much mail that wasn’t a coupon or a bill, and I loved seeing who would be able to join us for our special day. When we received word that 0 of 2 will attend, we were bummed, but we appreciated the excuses apologetic note on the back of the card about already-planned trips to France, or vacations in Hungary, or graduation ceremonies out of state. I don’t need anyone to tell me the reason they can’t attend, but it’s nice to know that the absence isn’t because they hate our guts or think I’m fat because I have eaten so many chocolate chips, or whatever.

But today, I received an RSVP (hand-delivered, no less) that had some creativity. I want to put it on a t-shirt or something. Oh, and this one? It’s from one of our officiants.

actually, we're ON a tree, but...details.

May 1, 2007

Me, A to Z

(Snagged from Sizzle, who is practically from my home town!)

A – Available or Single? I still check the “single” box, but only for a few more weeks!

B – Best Friend? Yes.

C – Cake or Pie? Uhm…whatever tiramisu is closest to.

D – Drink of Choice? Water or Fresca. Or wine.

E – Essential Item(s)? iPod. Camera. Cell phone. I am a geek.

F – Favorite Color? Purple.

G – Gummi Bears or Worms? I prefer the Bear variety.

H – Hometown? San Jose, CA

I – Indulgence? Unbaked chocolate chip cookie dough. I will eat an entire box of that stuff. For dinner. And dessert, if there is any left.

J – January or February? February.

K – Kids? None. Just 2 kittehs.

L – Life is incomplete without… love. Whether from a significant other, friends, family, pets…love.

M – Marriage Date? May 25, 2007!!!

N – Number of Siblings: One younger sister.

O – Oranges or Apples? Oranges.

P – Phobias/Fears: Bugs crawling on me in the middle of the night.

Q – Favorite Quote: “Blessed screaming Jesus on a whole wheat goddamned cracker!” (from Rescue Me)

R – Reasons to Smile? It’s Friday! In a few days.

S – Season? Summer…my birthday is in August.

T – Tag Three: Jenni (I’ll do my 7 things if you do this one!), Italian Babushka, and Music Mama.

U – Unknown Fact About Me: Well, if I tell you, it wouldn’t be unknown, now, would it?

V – Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? I (heart) beef. Especially from here.

W – Worst habits? Procrastination.

X – X-rays or Ultrasounds? What the ??? I’ll skip the radiation, please.

Y – Your Favorite Foods? Pretty much whatever I am not supposed to eat.

Z – Zodiac: Virgo.