
December 28, 2006

Stuff Portrait Friday: The last one of 2006!

This week’s assignment is from Shaun. It’s the last of the year, so I thought I’d better get back to my regular SPF participation. Here’s what Shaun had us do:
1. Something that you won’t have in your home in 2007
2. Something random and odd
3. 07…..pick seven of something. Or with the number 7. Whatever. Be creative.

I will not have Brussels sprouts in my house in 2007. I think it is safe to say that any dwelling I can call “my house” has never had Brussels sprouts in it. This bag of little nasties was in my future mother-in-law’s freezer. I specifically asked her if she had any of them so I could use them for SPF.
I would not eat them, there’s no doubt.
I would not eat them to cure gout.
I do not like the Brussels sprout.
I do not like them. “Gross!” I shout.

Something random and odd is this “hand” I got in Scrabble the other day. Just what am I to do with this offering? Seriously. What words could you come up with? It is not only random and odd, it’s utterly frustrating. I think there was an open I on the board, so I spelled VIM.

Seven of something. My mom collected these seven Snowdens from Target throughout the years. I took this photo on Christmas, but I just realized there are seven Snowdens here so BONUS! these happy dudes work for my SPF submission.

So, did you play, on this, the last SPF of 2006? No? Well then, I think your New Year’s resolution needs to be something about not procrastinating. Unless you had holidays or vacations or something like that going on.

Happy New Year everyone!

6 people have roominated about “Stuff Portrait Friday: The last one of 2006!”

  • Connie says:

    Your brussell spout poem is cute. The snowman pic is great. Good job on this spf. I played too.

  • Lisa says:

    I’m a girl that eats my veggies, but I’ll pass on the brussel sprouts too!

    I love the scrabble picture- one of my favorite games.

    Happy SPF and Happy New Year too!

  • Jenni says:

    Happy SPF and Happy New Year!

    I can’t beleive you don’t like brussel sprouts! Not even those tasty ones they make at Pasta Pomodoro?

    I played too. Quickly, so don’t expect anything too creative. 🙂

  • Kristine says:

    Hey sweetie. Sorry it’s been so long that I have been over to say hello. I took some time out today to be able to actually visit everyone that came over to support SPF for the final time in 2006. Poor Shaun got all sick, but he still does a better job than I do when I am at 100%

    I love the snowmen. They are awesome. I have 2.

    Have a great year okay? promise? GOOD!

  • Kami says:

    Brussel sprouts are the nastiest thing on the planet.

  • Teena says:

    Brussel sprouts suck!!!

    I played too 🙂

roominate back to Jenni