Stuff Portrait Friday: Friday December 1st
It’s DECEMBER ALREADY. How did that happen? In 32 days we’ll be in 2007. There are only 24 shopping days until Christmas. Are you finished shopping? Did you start? OK. Enough of that.
It’s not yet 10 p.m. and I am about to hit the sack so I can get up at 5:15 for the last day of bootcamp (this week). But not until I post my SPF pictures. I have priorities, you know!
The assignment was this:
1. Something that makes you go “hmmm.”
2. Something sweet
3. Something retro
Hmmm…I thought about posting a photo of something that makes me go “hmmm,” but I decided to shoot something that would make you go “hmmm.” I saw the spark of light this created and had to take a photo. Do you know what this is?
Sweet! Oh yes, this was sweet. It’s my dessert from dinner tonight. I consider it research because it is from the restaurant that will cater our reception, so I had to eat it. It’s a caramel brownie s’more and it has tiny little Golden Grahams sprinkled all over the vanilla ice cream on top of the rich chocolate brownie. Chocolate and caramel sauces are strategically drizzled throughout, and a slab of scorched marshmallow is propped up next to it. I’ll have to run really fast and far tomorrow to make up for this one.
This is my retro record collection. Several of these albums are also in digital form on my iPod. I don’t know why I keep these vinyl versions because I no longer have a record player, but I just can’t bear to part with them. I have other albums in my closet that are too embarrassing to photograph and post, like that one by my childhood favorites, the brother and sister duo from Utah.
Did you play? If not, you must confess in the comments my telling me your most embarrassing album/CD/cassette tape in your collection.