
August 11, 2006

Stuff Portrait Friday: Titles

Kristine made us get extra creative this week. Our assignment?

Song title
Book title
Movie title

Matte was instrumental in this week’s assignment. He gave me the idea for the book, and helped with the song shot. I’m not going to divulge what the titles are…you can try and figure them out for yourselves. I want to see how smart y’all are.

Song title
Song title

Book title
Book title

Movie title
Movie title

Did you play?

UPDATE: OK, I’ll give you the answers because I think I went a little too subtle with it. The song is Too Much Time on My Hands, and Army of Mom guessed it correctly. What does she win? How about a broken Disney watch? I think I have some to spare. Other excellent guesses were Time After Time and Clocks. The book is The Color Purple, and the movie? Well, Domino is a great guess and so is 21, if that’s a movie. But those 2 dominoes are supposed to convey 2001. I know, it’s a stretch. Perhaps I should have gone with my other idea, a domino with 6 dots on one side, 1 on the other for Se7en.

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