
May 4, 2006

Stuff Portrait Friday: Random and Odd

Kristine lived up to her blog name this week, as she assigned the following for SPF:

  • Body of Water – think big or small…it’s up to you
  • Something with Flavor – yes, another wide open one
  • Plant your Ass – where you park it…

My body of water idea came from (e). Ice, ice, baby.
Body of water

Something with flavor. How ’bout lots of flavors? My favorite is in there. Guess which one it is.
Something with flavor

Plant your (my) ass. Well, as you can see, my spot was taken. Or kept warm for me while I was up. Yeah, I’m sure that’s what Jasper was thinking. Because cats are considerate animals.
Where I sit (usually)

Did you play?

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