
April 9, 2006

Birthday princess

Today I went to a birthday party for a friend’s daughter. It was the big 0-1. Seeing all the decorations and party favors and kids having fun made me nostalgic for the days when my own birthdays were a huge deal. When I was a kid, parties always accompanied birthdays and all my bestest friends came over. There was much screaming, giggling, and goofiness. Not to mention cake, ice cream, and presents. Yes, growing up, my birthday was the best day ever.

I was born in August, which meant I could have my parties on my birthday without yucky school interfering. Until it was time for college. I became a college freshman, attending my first class on the day I turned 18. Not fair! (Pout.)

As you can see, I still live by the credo that my birthday is my day, but I have come to accept that I’m not a kid anymore and just because it’s my special day, doesn’t dismiss me from certain responsibilities. I still have to go to work, scoop the litter box, and pay bills, but I do try to celebrate my birthday in some special way when I can. Last year, it was on a Florida beach, soaking up rays and frolicking in warm waters with a friend and her family. And once I got home from my fabulous vacation, I celebrated again by taking a pole dancing class with some girlfriends. This year, I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’m thinking bocce ball or trapeze lessons.

Whatever I do, I sure would love a cake as magnificent as this one. (I’d like mine with tiramisu filling, please.)
happy birthday

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