
April 8, 2006

iPod is the new Magic 8 Ball

(Grabbed from the Best Week Ever Blog.)

Shuffle all the songs in your iPod, then use the resulting songs to answer the following questions, in the order in which they appeared.

How does the world see you?
Moon Over Bourbon Street, Sting

Will I have a happy life?
Last Dance, Sarah McClachlan

What do my friends really think of me?
If You Love Me Let Me Know, Olivia Newton-John

Do people secretly lust after me?
Crash and Burn, Sheryl Crow

How can I make myself happy?
Like the Way I Do, Melissa Etheridge

What should I do with my life?
November, Azure Ray

Will I ever have children?
It’s all in the Point of View, Andre Garner

What is some good advice for me?
Chapter 1, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

How will I be remembered?
Only a Memory, Smithereens

What is my signature dancing song?
The Bed’s Too Big Without You, The Police

What do I think my current theme song is?
Radio Free Europe, R.E.M.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
The Animals and Me, The Wonderstuff

What song will play at my funeral?
The Same Love that Made Me Laugh, Queen Latifah

What type of women men do you like?
Photograph, Jamie Cullum

What is my day going to be like?
A Case of You, Tori Amos

4 people have roominated about “iPod is the new Magic 8 Ball”

  • sandy says:

    I think before I did this, I’d have to re-evaulate what’s on my Shuffle. 😉

    By the way, I love your photo in the header. Beach scenes always click for me.

    Michele sent me over tonight.

  • rob says:

    How does the world see me?
    -Tom Waits, “We’re All Mad Here”

    Will I have a happy life?
    -Descendents, “My Dad Sucks”

    What do my friends really think of me?
    -Dave Matthews Band, “Pay For What You Get”

    Do people secretly lust after me?
    -Dave Matthews Band, “Crush” (I’m not shitting)

    How can I make myself happy?
    -Stray Cats, “Rev It Up & Go”

    What should I do with my life?
    -Tom Waits, “Blow Wind Blow”

    What is some good advice for me?
    -The Quick, “Too Sentimental” (From “Diana Moves”, a rock opera I did 2 years ago)

    How will I be remembered?
    -TheShotgun, “Golden Cowboy”

    What song will they play at my funeral?
    -Joss Stone, “Some Kind Of Wonderful” (doubt it…more like, “Nine Kinds Of Terrible”)

    What is my theme song?
    -Donettes, “Action Slacks”

    Funny. I got two DMBs, two Tom Waits and 3 local bands.

  • Shannon says:

    Hi Cath! I took this on as a meme, hope you don’t mind, and did it myself. Very fun!:

  • Shannon says:

    Oops, I just left your URL by accident. Here’s the correct one for my blog:

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