
March 31, 2006

Slimy, yet satisfying

Earlier this week, I asked if anyone could identify this:
what is this

There were some valiant efforts. Jenni thought it was an Asian mushroom dish. Cindy guessed a plant, but Chris said it looked more like sickle cell anemia. C&K’s pimp suggested sauteed tapeworm in oyster sauce. Karan and Celine thought it was a photo of green beans. But the entry that made me laugh the hardest was the one from weaker vessel who asked if it was French fries after a tsunami. Thanks to all who played, but unfortunately we have no winners. (Cindy was close though.) Next time, I’ll make it easier or offer a prize for most outlandish guess or something.

So now, the big reveal.

Click the links below to buy your own Whatever That Is.

First, you take some Jasmine Dragon Phoenix pearls from Teavana.

jasmine pearls

Pour 1 teaspoon of the pearls into the Teavana Perfect Tea Maker.

pouring pearls

Add some steamy, boiling hot water.


Seep for 1-2 minutes and watch the pearls unravel.

tumbling pearls

After 2 minutes, place the Perfect Tea Maker on top of your mug. Soothing jasmine green tea magically dispenses into your mug.

tea time

tea time

tea time

tea time


And so this:

what is it

is what remains in the Tea Maker.

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