
March 2, 2006

that’s 150 points from gryffindor, miss granger!

recent photos are floating around the internets that depict emma watson drinking beer. emma watson is a mere 15 years old. much too young to be starting to go all paris hilton on us.*

in light of her new partygirl ways, I have come up with some spin-offs to the harry potter franchise.

hermione granger and the sorcerer get stoned

hermione granger and the chamber of secret stash of mum’s and dad’s alcohol

hermione granger and the prisoner of intervention

hermione granger and the goblet of whatever’s on tap

hermione granger and the order of el presidente margarita, blended, no salt

hermione granger and the half-drunk mudblood

and the upcoming 7th installation: hermione granger and the shameful night with he-who-shall-not-be-named


*I do realize the drinking age in england is, like, 14 or something, so technically emma’s not doing anything wrong here. I’m merely commenting on the fact that these pictures have surfaced and seem to be causing such a ruckus.

2 people have roominated about “that’s 150 points from gryffindor, miss granger!”

  • Jenni says:

    The drinking age in England, at least when I lived there, was 16, so Miss Watson is STILL underage. Love your spin-offs though….

  • Emily Raz says:

    Actually, it’s legal for someone under 16 to drink in restaurants as long as a) they are accompanied by a parent or guardian and b) they order it with food. So NO, Miss Watson is NOT CONSIDERED UNDERAGE, nor is she breaking the law. I don’t get what all the fuss is about.

roominate back to Jenni