catheroo, a la southpark
last night I dreamed I was a southpark character.
I went on many adventures.
I began my day sharing breakfast with a friend
then I hung out with the girls
but things went sour when I stole my girlfriend’s man
I felt like such a bitch for betraying my friend. so I spent some time with the queen of bitches
I was able to make it to torino just in time to take the ice
famished, I went to see if lyle lovett wanted to go to dinner, but he wasn’t home
I decided to just get a sandwich from rupert at the hello deli
I woke up exhausted from my busy day as a cartoon character. so I have spent today being a lazy not-very-live-action version of myself. I caught up on olympic curling, did laundry, read through my cinequest program guide, and indulged in diet dr. pepper and baked cheetos.
southpark yourself here
This is too funny. HA!
ha! thanks for the laugh!!
I can totally see you laughing to yourself while you did this one…too funny!
I had a total Scrubs dream the other day.
Dude! I love it. Remind me to never go this long again before reading your blog! Hahehe…funny!!