
February 19, 2006

catheroo, a la southpark

last night I dreamed I was a southpark character.
catheroo southpark

I went on many adventures.

I began my day sharing breakfast with a friendbreakfast at tiffanys

then I hung out with the girls

but things went sour when I stole my girlfriend’s manmr. big and catheroo

I felt like such a bitch for betraying my friend. so I spent some time with the queen of bitches

I was able to make it to torino just in time to take the iceskating

famished, I went to see if lyle lovett wanted to go to dinner, but he wasn’t homelyle

I decided to just get a sandwich from rupert at the hello delirupert ghee

I woke up exhausted from my busy day as a cartoon character. so I have spent today being a lazy not-very-live-action version of myself. I caught up on olympic curling, did laundry, read through my cinequest program guide, and indulged in diet dr. pepper and baked cheetos.

southpark yourself here

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