10 things that I take for granted
1. a hot shower
2. a good job
3. health
4. nature
5. oxygen
6. bottled water
7. a roof over my head
8. central air/heat
9. words
10. music
1. a hot shower
2. a good job
3. health
4. nature
5. oxygen
6. bottled water
7. a roof over my head
8. central air/heat
9. words
10. music
1. thou shalt not drink too much
2. thou shalt mind the steps so thou does not fall down the stairs in high heels
3. thou shalt not upchuck inside a drinking establishment
4. thou shalt not lose thine earrings
5. thou shalt not request that thy friend pull over so thou can hurl on the freeway
6. thou shalt not think thou lost thine keys because thou sit upon them
7. thou shalt not toss thy cookies in thy friend’s car
8. thou shalt not slumber in thy clothing that thou wore out that evening
follow these, my child, and thou shalt remember thy weekend.
virgo: you might be the underdog today, but the goal is to go home with the bone.
heh heh, my horoscope said ‘bone’.
…and he will sing this about me:
she’s as cute as a bug
short as a minute
she’s a pretty little package with
everything in it
but right now, he must be stuck in traffic on hwy 880.
my friend jenni just told me that birthday boy and commander-in-chief, george bush fell down and went boom today. he’s in scotland for the g-8 summit. he was riding his bike around the hotel grounds and collided with a policeman. apparently george likes to forge on the presidential bicycle as he was traveling at pretty high speed at the time of the incident.
no one was seriously injured. the prez suffered scrapes and bruises and the police officer was taken to the hospital with a possible ankle injury.
the officer “declined to speculate about who was at fault,” according to the report in The australian.
I saw a blog recently that listed ten various things (things I like, things I hate, you know the drill). I’m not sure how long my a.d.d. will allow me to stick with this thread but here’s my first go at it:
ten things that scare me
1. firecrackers
2. very tall men with mustaches
3. ferris wheels
4. spiders on me
5. clowns
6. tequila
7. dentures
8. eternity of singlehood
9. dead animals mounted on the wall
10. ventriloquists & their dummies